Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Perry Stone: U.S. Will Collapse like Rome, Sodom and Gomorrah Because We Have Judges

Since my heart attack last fall, there are certain TV programs my wife and my cardiologist won't let me watch. All but one are on the Trinity Broadcasting Network and Fox News Channel. The one exception is "Tucker" on MSNBC, unless there's a guest host, which is happening more and more frequently. I think it has something to do with ratings.

Yesterday, however, while my wife was at work, I sneaked a peek at "God's News behind the News" on TBN. Joe Van Koevering hosts it out of St. Petersburg, Florida, and his guest yesterday was prophecy expert Perry Stone, who was hawking his new book, America's Unusual Prophecies Being Fulfilled: Discerning the Future Destiny of America.
You can view the entire program here under the heading "Airdate 02-19-08: America's Prophetic Future--Part 2."

Perry began with a long list of parallels between Rome and America, among them:

1. Rome began as a republic and so did we.
2. Then both Rome and America became a nation among nations.
3. Then both became empires.
4. Both then became the most powerful nation on earth.
5. Both occupied the Middle East.
6. Both Roman and American currencies became universal around the world.
7. Both became the leading voices in the world to whom everyone looked to make decisions.
8. Both had strong leaders.
9. Both had a Capitol Hill.
10. Both had a Senate.
11. Both had a flag.
12. Both peoples pledged allegiance to the flag.
13. Both built sports stadiums.
14. Both enjoyed watches races, whether chariots or NASCAR.
15. Both became obsessed with luxuries
16. Both allowed homosexuality.
17. Both allowed abortions.
18. As their empire grew, the Romans overtaxed the rich, and there are those who want us to do that.
19. Rome invented the welfare state, and now the United States has one, too.
20. Rome went into decline when it tried to control three areas of the world, and the United States now is in Afghanistan and Iraq and may soon invade Iran.

Well, that's enough. You get the idea. We're headed toward Rome's fate unless we turn back to Jesus.

After the commercial break, Stone segued into comparing the United States to Sodom and Gomorrah. He claimed to have seen a full copy of the Old Testament Book of Jasher, which was thought lost and is only mentioned a couple of times in the Bible. Apparently the problem with Sodom and Gomorrah was that they had judges who allowed homosexuality in the streets, "like some cities in America." When God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot fled to the city of Zohar, where they had neither judges nor homosexuality.

Case closed.

Then James Robison's program came on TBN. He was interviewing Bill O'Reilly about his book Culture Warrior. That was a double whammy, a comination of TBN and Fox News, so at that point I had enough sense to turn off the television.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will pray taht heal you body and open your eyes.

Bless you

12:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will pray that God will heal your body and open your eyes.

Bless you

12:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Google "Joe Ortiz Associates" to learn about a great Bible prophecy book by Ortiz entitled "Christians Will Suffer Great Tribulation." You may not agree with everything, but you will be convinced that the 178-year-old pretribulation rapture view isn't everything it's cracked up to be! Humberto

11:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I did as you suggested, and Ortiz looks really interesting. I'll investigate further.


3:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can't build a functional society off of faith.

Yet the US will most likely fall one way or another, considering how fucked things are.

9:18 PM  
Blogger Comic Ref said...

I was at a perry stone conference recently. STRONG STRONG presence of the holy Ghost. Now I realize a lot of (unsaved) people will read this and get angry or confused.
But Perry stone speaks truth.
Get ready.
Because Jesus is coming.
lol. And i bet! When we are taking-
the world will say it was aliens and not God. lol.Thats the crazy world we live in. Even when the bibles truth comes to pass..People will still lie to themselves!

5:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am an African American and it is great to have an African American President but at what cost?
I didnot vote for the current President elect because I voted Republican which is against abortion and homosexuality.

If we learn to read the bible you will see that God never had a color issue. The problem was Jew or Gentile those who had a covent with God (Jew) and those who didnot (Gentile)

I'm sorry that the enemy used the biggest thing that he has used against mankind since there were more that two people of a different color race! And most of us fell for it.
As for you sir TBN is a very good Christian network and it is ashame that you can't watch the program when they pray the prayer of salvation. Don't be afraid of the one that can destroy your body but be afraid of the one who can destroy your body and your soul.
I ask you sir where will you spend eternity?

9:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perry Stone is a wonderful child of God and always speaks the truth!Not only is he truly called to the alter to deliver Gods message; he is also a wonderful historian. Not only does he know the bible he knows the history behind the bible. The cultures, rituals, etc. etc. He uses that knowledge to prove the bible TRUE. It is sad to see that the good Lord spared your life and this is the gratitude that you show him. Also he may have been offering his book but he has to help his ministry somehow. Is that so horrible? The doctors fixed your heart, let the Lord fix your soul.
God bless ill be praying for you

12:45 PM  
Blogger shameful_U said...

website to look at
some very compelling information videos audios links

2:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I only have seen one Perry Stone TV appearance, and the man sitting nearby appeared to view him as a patsy. You know, feigned interest and all that. Anyway, my practise is to make a cup of tea, sit down, and give these people about theee minutes of my time. If they don't impress me definitively within that period, it's off to my backyard to watch the birds.

6:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To some of your viewers who think christians are going thru the tribulation period, the bible says that the trib. starts when the man of sin appears. It also says the man of sin (anti-christ) can't appear until he who restrains him is removed. The Holy Spirit is the restrainer, and when he is removed, the true christians are removed with him (rapture). The tribulation period (the second 31/2 years) is known as a time when God's wrath is pured out. The bible says that we (christians)have not been appointed unto wrath.

4:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

gYou forgot 1 thing that Rome and the United States had in common SLAVERY... bUT WILL SEE! God shall deal with this matter see James 5:1-18 before Jesus return

7:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Sir, there is one thing that Mr Stone left out about Rome and the United States ... They both tolerate Slavery.. I Believe before my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ returns for his Church I will see James 5:1-18 be full filled. Could this be the wealth of the wicked transfer?

7:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i believe God's coming is extremely soon and i believe the antichrist is about to be revealed. i pray God will give His people wisdom to see the antichrist

3:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am from Baton Rouge, La and yesterday 3-8-09 Perry Stone was at Healing Place Church. I was fortunate enough to be there. I felt the amazing spirit of the Holy Ghost. I had never seen Perry but on tv. God has given him so much revelation. That revelation is a warning to us, to the church and to the unsaved people of the world. The time is drawing near. The greatest country in the world is going to be shaken to the foundations. But fear not..because God is with you. God loves us and wants the best for us. We need to turn from the ways of the world and turn to Jesus. Jesus died for us and rose again. There is so much sin, harted, jealousy, lieing, adultry, murder in the world. It is full of confusion. But the ONLY way to GOd is through is SON JESUS!!!! This world will pass aways but the ALmight GOD will REMAIN forever Amen!! People God loves you and wants all that is good for you. Turn to him before it is too late. He is fufilling the phrophices and that is a sign of the end of days. Forgive my spelling errors.He is paving the way for the 2nd comming. He don't want to see any of us perish.. so come and chose life..eternal life..God dosen't care what you have done in your fact those who have done the worst things have the best testmony...God can wipe the slate clean with a simple prayer..all you have to do is say Dear Jesus..I know I am a sinner..please forgive me of all my sins..I know you died on the cross and 3 days later you rose again...Come into my heart and live in me..AMEN.That is all you have to do for the gift of everlast can cast all your fears worries anything on Jesus who has died for you..see we all are sinners and fall short of the glory of God but I am so thankful that Jesus has already paid our debt..when He shed his blood on the cross..and was in the dead in the tomb for 3 days, thats when he went to the pits of hell and conquered death once and for all..he paid the price for our sins already..all we have to do is accept the gift...what do you have to lose? any questions email me

7:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesus Saves!

11:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

all nations fall the ones that stand the longest are republics as history teaches , the fall of this one is a repeat of history forgoten . whe the goverments gain power that people show resentmant too and at that point of an acculimation reguardless of laws enacted or enforcement they fall , everybody has a better idea but they dont realized it is just recycled from the past, funny though if you keep tring the same thing over and over has to work right , better luck next time . the little power we as indivduals have to change is limited we are along for a heck of a ride. i hope you feel beter , god bless you .

7:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Bible says that HELL hath enlarged itself and I understand it more every day. So many people are deceived and unless they change they will go to Hell. 2Chron. 7: 14 says.If my people which are called by name, shall humble themselves, seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I, land. hear from Heaven, forgive their sins, and heal their land. Jesus Christ is our only resource, I pray do not be deceived by those who are against God. They will lead you to Hell, and you will have no one to blame but yourself....

11:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am disappointed in how we are so lame as Christians. We are convict to condemn Homosexuality but do we reach out to them. God said to hate the sin and not the sinner. In addition, it is not the President that is making all these decisions. This started under States while Bush was in office but no one condemned him. Cheney robbed the country and yet Sarah Palin has said many hateful things. What kind of Christians are we? I think we need to search our hearts or is does this really come down to the color of the President's skin? There is a scripture that speaks of when in the last days people would be asked if they would come after seeing the truth and they still turned away from Jesus. Was it because he was a man of color? Time to search your heart. Stop pushing issues to cover what is really in your heart. Go before God. Pray, repent, and change your heart then minister to others. If judgement comes on America it will not be just because of homosexuality but lame Christians that do not live in truth.

2:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am disappointed in how we are so lame as Christians. We are convict to condemn Homosexuality but do we reach out to them. God said to hate the sin and not the sinner. In addition, it is not the President that is making all these decisions. This started under States while Bush was in office but no one condemned him. Cheney robbed the country and yet Sarah Palin has said many hateful things. What kind of Christians are we? I think we need to search our hearts or is does this really come down to the color of the President's skin? There is a scripture that speaks of when in the last days people would be asked if they would come after seeing the truth and they still turned away from Jesus. Was it because he was a man of color? Time to search your heart. Stop pushing issues to cover what is really in your heart. Go before God. Pray, repent, and change your heart then minister to others. If judgement comes on America it will not be just because of homosexuality but lame Christians that do not live in truth.

2:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Christians or partisans , which are you. You can be both but don't try and pass off your partisan views as those of Christianity. Jesus was not a Republican.

10:09 PM  
Anonymous Stavi said...

Jesus saves!
And Perry Stone is a TV preaching heretic!

1:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:26 AM  
Anonymous Stewart Goldie UK said...

Perry Stone is another hypocrite selling his books for profit on the back of predgedised millennia old interpretations and subsequent teachings of old books. Just like we dont need to slit animals throats and let them slowly bleed to death as we have fridgadairs now to curb disease. Leave gay people the fuck alone you bunch of judgmentalist introverts and they won't trouble you. Live your life your way, Jesus won't protect hateful hearts from his dads wrath and I forgive you hateful sinners for your sin of hating young gay men and woman who have done nothing to you.

2:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This country was built on blood.We had a chance as a country to do something special. In some ways we have,and in some ways we have not.We all play a part in how our country succeeds or fails.Not one person in the body of CHRIST has the complete knowledge of The Holy Bible.To many white brothers in Christ want to possibly point things to Obama that might not be true.And at the same time speak highly about our founding fathers.our founding fathers owned slaves.George Washington owned over 200.America has always in some form or another been a Sodom and Gomorrah before Obama was born and long after he passes.Look around the world every country is operating as a Sodom and Gomorrah.This is one of the reasons our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is coming back.So if we desire to speak the truth in bible terms concerning our country The United States of America.Tell the truth.Start at about the mid 1600's to 1865.Tell me if thats not Sodom and Gomorrah.

11:31 PM  
Blogger UndertheMatrix said...

Why do hateful christians buy books about the bible? Why don't they just read the Bible. Afterall they call it the inspired word of God. Perhaps if they really want to know the awesomeness of God, they should study mathematics - the Language of God.

12:18 PM  

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