Barack Obama Not Really a Christian
Well, it's started, and it was as predictable as the sun coming up tomorrow. Barack Obama, a member of the United Church of Christ, is not really a Christian, even though he thinks he is. Tucker Carlson made the announcement last week on his MSNBC show. It seems that Obama's African American UCC congregation in Chicago "contradicts the basic tenets of Christianity" because it teaches a "Black Value System." I guarantee such pronouncements will increase as Obama's presidential campaign moves forward. The last thing the Right wants is for Obama to siphon off a few fundagelical voters with his faux Christian message. We know Obama practices a counterfeit Christianity because the last thing Jesus would support is a black congregation serving the needs of a black community.
Actually the attacks started last fall when Rick Warren invited Obama to speak at his Global AIDS Summit. The fundagelical community was outraged. Obama couldn't be a Christian because he subscribed to the "Creed" of abortion. Among so many other confusions, fundagelicals are hopelessly confused about the distinction between a creed and a policy position. To them there is no distinction because what really counts is where you stand politically. ( I believe in The Bush Almighty, Decider of Heaven and Earth.)
Actually the attacks started last fall when Rick Warren invited Obama to speak at his Global AIDS Summit. The fundagelical community was outraged. Obama couldn't be a Christian because he subscribed to the "Creed" of abortion. Among so many other confusions, fundagelicals are hopelessly confused about the distinction between a creed and a policy position. To them there is no distinction because what really counts is where you stand politically. ( I believe in The Bush Almighty, Decider of Heaven and Earth.)
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